Counselor's Corner
(219) 873-2096, ext. 6439
This number should be used especially if MCAS is not in the building (e-learning or virtual learning).
Meet the Counselor
I am a life-long Michigan City resident and graduate of Michigan City High School! I have worked with the families in our community for 15 years providing therapy, counseling and advocacy in various settings. I am married and have two children, Channing and Quinn. In my free time, I enjoy traveling and taking advantage of the great things our City by the Lake has to offer! My favorite part of being a counselor is when a student uses what we have learned during our time together to better themselves, someone else or our community. It fills me with Pride for our Knapp Knights!
I hold the following Degrees and Certifications:
- Bachelors in Liberal Studies - Purdue North West
- Masters in Forensic Psychology - The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
- Licensed Mental Health Counselor
- Licensed Indiana School Counselor
I am typically at school Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Knapp Elementary has both a School Counselor and a Student Success Coach/School Social worker. While these titles might seem similar and are both a part of the school behavior team, we have many different responsibilities.
As the school counselor, one of my biggest responsibilities is teaching classroom counseling lessons. These lessons teach students social-emotional skills related to such topics as emotion management, empathy for others, how to stand up to disrespectful behaviors, and conflict management. We cover Bullying topics in depth every October and review throughout the year. Lessons also sometimes cover skills related to career exploration and academic skills for learning. Classroom counseling lessons occur in each classroom every week for 30 mins.
Another role of the school counselor is evaluate data that will support our students in the areas of Academics (grades), Behavior and Attendance. Mrs. Mullenhour supports our MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of Support) team to create strategic interventions for students who need support in these areas. We formulate a goal for the student and track their progress frequently. The MTSS team is made up of teachers, Instructional Coaches, School Social worker and Principal. We all work together to come up with ideas to get our students back on track and successful in their educational careers.
While school counselors should not be used in lieu of community counselors for more intensive counseling support, I occasionally provide one-on-one support for students with unique short-term counseling needs. I can also provide resources for more long-term counseling needs. Additional resources ( food pantries, basic needs) is also something school counselors provide to families of our students.
Student Resources
Knapp students will be receiving weekly Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) classes this year from Mrs. Mullenhour.
K-5th Grade will be participating in the Second Steps curriculum.
6th Grade will be doing Lifeskills Training (BOTVIN).
These curriculums will help our Knights learn important skills that will help them both academically and emotionally for the rest of their lives!
Stories with Mrs. Mullenhour
Check out this new video story called The Light Within Me
Fill out the Google Form to let me know what you thought!
Light Within In Me - Google Form
Stay Safe, Healthy and Shine your LIGHT!
Here is a story about Anxiety and Finding Your Calm. Feel free to check out the google form and tell me how anxiety feels for you and what you can do about it.
Fill out the Goggle Form to let me know what you thought
K-5th Grade Second Steps
- Second Step KSA
- 5th Grade Lesson on Empathy
- Introducing Emotion Management-5th grade SS lesson 9
- 3rd Grade Career
- Career Interest Inventory
- 2nd Career Research Website
Second Step KSA
5th Grade Lesson on Empathy
Watch this video. Ted Talk on Empathy
Now complete the half sheet "I can warm a heart by..." this will go on Mrs. Mullenhour's winter bulletin board.
Introducing Emotion Management-5th grade SS lesson 9
Click these links and watch the videos.
Complete the handout with a partner. Use your stop signal. Act out the scene. Give feedback to one another.
If time permits, watch the following videos.
Youtube - Know Your Emotions (4:04)
Youtube - Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions? (6:47)
Write 2 paragraph ( 8 sentences minimun) summary (what you learned in your own words) the videos you saw.
3rd Grade Career
Career Interest Survey Instructions:
Page 1. Survey. Place a check in each of the boxes for things that are interesting to you.
Add up how many checks you have in each box.
Circle the top 3 or 4 boxes with the most checks. Go to page 3 for the Color Guide. Circle the Career Clusters that match the 3 or 4 boxes you circled.
Go to page 2. List the interest you selected. Think of a possible career for each interest. Use the guide pages in the remainder of the booklet to help you think of different careers.
Go to the last page of the packet Career Search
Click this link
Select a job within a career cluster that interests you. Watch the video on that career. Answer the questions on your Career Search worksheet. TIP: some answers might not be in the video but on the left hand side of the video. Explore the to find more information on future career possibilities!
Career Interest Inventory
2nd Career Research Website
6th Grade Lifeskills Training (BOTVIN)
Family Resources
Behavioral Health Hospital:
Local Mental Health:
Suicide Prevention: